A Negroni cocktail is equal parts gin, sweet vermouth, and a citrus dominant bitter liquor such as Campari or Aperol, garnished with orange peel.
My original inspiration came from New York Times Melissa Clark’s Campari Olive Oil Cake.
My boozier version uses equal parts gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari. It can be studded with the addition of chopped candied orange peel or use the candied peel as a garnish (remember, it’s a Negroni). The zest of grapefruit amps the Campari factor, lending the right amount of pleasant bitterness to balance the sweet vermouth and herbal quality of the gin.
It is a smallish cake and, when sliced, can be picked up with your fingers for snacking. Because of its adult flavor, it works well after a wine-soaked lunch.
This recipe has the option to add candied orange peel. A recipe for this garnish can be found here.