Chilled Rosé Compressed Watermelon with Basil Sugar and Sea Salt

Vacuum sealer
Chef knife
Grinder or Small Processor
Large Picks


Slice watermelon into strips 2-inch wide by 2-inch wide. Place into a vacuum bag, add rosé, and vacuum-pack at the highest setting of your vacuum sealer. Refrigerate for three hours.


Make the basil sugar. Place sugar, basil, and lemon zest into a small grinder or processor. Process until evenly distributed and a fine texture, about twenty seconds.


Remove watermelon from the bag, cut into 2-inch cubes, spear with a pick, and place in the freezer. Remove 20 minutes before serving.


To serve, sprinkle with basil sugar and Maldon salt

  • Small seedless watermelon, rind removed
  • ⅓ cup rosé
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ¼ cup packed basil
  • Zest of a large lemon
  • Maldon salt

Cook's Notes

Summer heat is upon us; it is 100ºF outside our bungalow today, and the last thing I’m interested in doing is firing up the stovetop or the oven.

The idea behind these treats came quickly. Yesterday, I was in the market to get some leeks when I spotted the bin of watermelons. I had just seen a recipe online for a peach cake with basil sugar. Both Harry Styles and the post-apocalyptic novel, In Watermelon Sugar popped to mind and I had the rough workings for a refreshing summer treat.

Compressing the watermelon at the highest setting not only evenly distributes the hefty dose of rosé, it sets a vibrant hue to the once just pink melon flesh. The electric pink color is complemented by the spring green of the basil.

Enjoy these chilly bites by the pool with a glass of rosé.

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